Facial Reflexology by Beverly Parmer Reflexology


How many people have looked at your face and judged whether they thought you looked well or not? A glowing complexion can makes us look healthy and younger.

Most people have heard of foot Reflexology and understand it works by stimulating reflex points on the feet or hands. Facial Reflexology Sorensensistem™ works in a similar fashion, through your most visible feature your face. It is deeply relaxing and leaves you feeling rejuvenated and more able to cope with life’s stresses and strains.

Facial reflexology Sorensensistem™ has been developed by Lone Sorensen for the last 30 years. She has incorporated Chinese energy meridians and acupuncture points, Vietnamese and South American tribal body maps, and the modern science of neuro-anatomy.

Beverly Parmer Reflexology

How It Works

The treatment incorporates precise stimulation of acupressure points, neurological points and body maps on the face and head. We believe that this sends impulses through the body’s central nervous system (CNS) to specific organs and parts of the body.

Facial reflexologists think that it is the close proximity of the brain and the CNS to the face that encourages the body to respond more quickly. Because of this, certain benefits may be seen even quicker than Foot reflexology.

A typical facial reflexology treatment lasts 45-50 minutes though can be extended to 70-80 mins if Facial Muscle stimulation is included or a combination of foot and facial reflexology is required. It is generally recommended that a course of 4-6 weekly treatments are considered, however the frequency and length of treatments is up to you, and may vary depending on your state of health and long term objectives.


For more information on Lone Sorensen and her work, especially with disabled children and adults, you can visit the following websites: facialreflexology.com, facereflexology.info or temprana.org

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